
“Strata,” Tape and Vinyl on Linen, 72×96 inches, 2019. Please contact us for price and availability.

“The Wave,” Tape and Vinyl on Panel, 36×60 inches, 2018. SOLD

“Desert City #2 (Phoenix, AZ),” Tape and Vinyl on Panel, 28×80 inches, 2018. SOLD


“Infrastructure of a Boom Town, (Phoenix, AZ),” Security Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 60×60 inches, 2016. SOLD

“Time Map.” Security Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 36×36 inches, 2015 SOLD
“Red, Yellow & Blue,” Security Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 12×37 inches, 2015. SOLD
“Ocular,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 10×10 inches, 2015 SOLD
"PINK," Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 6x19 inches, 2015
“PINK,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 6×19 inches, 2015 Please contact us for price and availability.
"Gold Mine #3," Security Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 10x10 in, 2015 Please contact us for price and availability.
“Gold Mine #3,” Security Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 10×10 in, 2015 Please contact us for price and availability.
Untitled Kitsch #2
“Untitled Arrangement #1,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 8×8 in, 2014. NFS
Untitled Kitsch #1
“Untitled Arrangement #2,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 8×8 in, 2014. NFS
Telophase small
“Telophase,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 6x6in, 2015  Please contact us for price and availability.
Gold Mine #2
“Gold Mine #2,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 12×12 in, 2014  SOLD
Gold Mine #1
“Gold Mine #1, Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 10×10 in, 2014  NFS
“Europatopia,” Privacy Envelopes and Glitter on Panel, 12×16 in, 2014 SOLD